*Recommended Movie*
Directed by Takashi Shimizu, The Grudge follows volunteer homecare worker Rika Nishida (Megumi Okina), whose altruism leads her to Chiharu (Yui Ichikawa), a catatonic old woman slowly dying in a home filled with years worth of accumulated filth. Rika's suspicion is aroused when, during the course of her volunteer duties, she can't help but sense an overwhelming feeling of dread.
Eventually, Rika opens an old wardrobe only to discover a malevolent boy who introduces himself as Toshio (Yuya Ozeki). It seems as though the house was formerly occupied by a young couple -- Katsuya (Kanji Tsuda), Chiharu's son, and his wife, Kazumi (Risa Matsuda). Sadly, Kazumi was killed thanks to Toshio shortly after moving in, and it wasn't long before Katsuya met a similar fate. When one of Rika's colleagues alerts the local authorities, an investigation turns the house inside out and exposes an ancient and deadly history.
Date Released : 25 Januari 2003
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364385/
Rating : 6.6/10 (8,885 votes)
Genre : Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Pemain : Megumi Okina, Misaki Ito, Misa Uehara, Yui Ichikawa
Trailer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVbWpwkCJRg
Kualitas Film : DVDRip
DOWNLOAD [833mb-avi] IDWS | Hardsubbed English
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Wah, saya pernah nonton yang ini....memang serem :)
subtitlenya ga ada linknya? tolong dunk :)
gambarnya ajah uddah serem .. apalgi nontonya ..
barteng teman2 ajah kali yaa .. hee
nice share ..
lam kenal
heheh seram sekali tuh , makasihgan buat infonya,langsung saja ke tkp, meskipun seram tapi tetap saja pasti serru yah , makasih atas infonya
wihh kalo ini saya pernah nonton,,,
gila serem banget tu... hmmm
v seru tu,, jadi pengn nonton lagi...
kayanya seru nih ..
wajib tonton kalo begini caranya,,
terimakasih udah kasih tau
kayanya serem nih, harus nonton ama pacar nih biar tambah seru.. hehehe
nonton nonton sendiri dah..
kalau saya ga berani nonton yg kaya gituan..saya penakut soalnya..hhe
kayanya seru tuuhh apalagi kalo nontonnya rame2...
Seram sekali ini pilem...
tar deh aku beli kasetnya buat ceweku lihat itung-itung melatih mental dia
ngeri juga nih film
kayanya seru tuuhh apalagi kalo nontonnya rame2...
nice share ..lam kenal
kayanya seru nih ..
wajib tonton kalo begini caranya,,
terimakasih udah kasih tau
Hallo sobat ? ikut gabung sini lagi ya
saya numpang buat nambah backlink di sini ya
Kang subtitle nya ga da yang pas kang...
hebat filmnya, thanks atas infonya.
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